An EU law coming into effect on 25 May 2018, designed to protect personal information and its use by commerce and non-profit associations, is also applicable to Christian Community Church and to Christian Community Church, Asbl. In order to comply with the GDPR (known in Luxembourg as the Réglement général sur la protection des données, RGPD), we wish to inform you about how we collect, process and protect your personal information, so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using your data.
Legal terms
Under data protection legislation, Christian Community Church and Christian Community Church, Asbl act as the Data Controller (who determines the purpose and manner by which data is collected and processed). An officer appointed from among the members of the Asbl shall act as our Data Protection Officer (a liaison between the church and the Commission nationale pour la protection des données). The elders and group leaders do the actual data processing relating to members and friends of CCC, who are the data subjects.
Why we are collecting your data
We collect personal data to provide pastoral care and to fulfill our purposes as a church. In legal terms this is called “legitimate interests”. When it is required, we may also ask you for your consent to process your data. We do not share your information with others except as described in the Data Protection Policy, of which you may obtain a copy.
Categories of information that we may collect, hold and share:
- Personal information (such as name, telephone number/s, address, email address, attendance records, and photos)
- Characteristics (such as gender, ethnicity, language, nationality, country of birth)
- Special categories of personal data (such as your religious beliefs or sensitive pastoral counseling information)
Storage and security of your data
Your name and contact details will be entered into our church’s paper and/or electronic files. These are held either in a locked filing cabinet or on password-protected computer(s), which are accessed by the officers and employees of the church. In accord with the law, CCC has written a data protection policy and holds a data register, which describes the outworking of this policy.
To enable us to provide adequate pastoral counseling to you and your family, one of the pastors may record information which the law may consider to be “sensitive”. This information will be stored in a locked filing cabinet or on a password-protected computer drive. This password will only be known by the pastors. This information will NOT be disclosed to anyone else without your consent and can be removed at any time at your discretion.
Your contact details will be removed from our files once you are no longer a member of the church, unless you ask to remain as one of CCC’s friends.
Requesting access to your personal data
Under Data Protection legislation, you have the right to request access to information about you that we hold (see below for how to get in touch). You also have the right to:
- object to processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress;
- prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing;
- object to decisions being taken by automated means;
- in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
- to be informed in case of a breach of Data Protection Regulations.
If you have a concern about the way we collect or use your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance, or directly with the Commission nationale pour la protection des données.
You have the right to ask to see any information CCC holds about you (including the pastoral counseling information) by submitting a “Subject Access Request” to one of the pastors or the Data Protection Officer.
If you would like to discuss anything contained in this privacy notice, require further information on how your
information is used or kept secure, wish to request access to data we hold about you or would like to request a copy
of our records retention policy please contact:
Mr. Harald Ulrich
Christian Community Church, Asbl
This Privacy Notice will reviewed yearly before each AGM.
25 May 2018