About Us

Our Core Convictions

In a world where opinions and preferences dominate, we seek to align our lives with shared convictions rooted in the Bible, the Word of God. What we believe and teach is a matter of public record.

The Bible

The Bible is the inerrant, authoritative Word of God, rightly understood by the ordinary principles of grammar and context.


There is one God who exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is God the Son and His sacrificial death on the cross – attested by his bodily resurrection – was the full and only acceptable payment for the sins of all people.


Salvation is God’s gift, based upon Jesus Christ’s finished work and secured only through personal faith in Him alone. Good works are the natural fruit of salvation, but not the root.


Saving faith leads to a changed life. New priorities, a love for God’s Word, a desire to pray and readiness to serve among God’s people are some of the evidences of the new birth.


All those who have trusted Christ are kept by God’s power and are secure in Him forever.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit permanently lives in all believers and enables them to live the Christian life as they yield to Him in harmony with God’s Word.

The Church

God is calling together regenerated people around the world to become part of the body of Christ, Jesus’ flock. Every believer should be baptized and become a committed member of a local church where he can be built up in his faith and equipped to minister.

Christ’s return

Jesus Christ will return literally for believers and later establish His literal 1,000-year reign on the earth, which will never be overthrown.


All men will be resurrected bodily, either to eternal life or to eternal separation from God.