About Us

Our Leadership Team

Joël Meyer
Born in Alsace, Joël came to know Christ as a teenager, but dedicated his life to Christ and to Christian service after completing his master’s degree in economics and business management. He is a graduate of the Institut Biblique Pastoral et Baptiste (Algrange, France) and of Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake, IN). He and his wife Nathalie have four sons. Joël has served at CCC since 2013 and has taken complete pastoral oversight of the church from Dec. 2020 onwards. His skills lie in Bible exposition and personal work.
Scott Fries
Scott grew up in a Christian home in the USA and South Africa, where his parents worked in church planting. He is a graduate of Northland International University and has extended experience in information technology. In addition to occasional preaching, Scott leads a training program for church leaders (Bible Training Center for Pastors - BTCP) and guides the music ministries along with his wife Katie. He also oversees the church web site along with another couple in the assembly.
Kjell Haga
Kjell, now retired after a career in business, came to know Christ through the faithful witness of his wife Gloria and the ministry of CCC. The Hagas have two adult children. Kjell serves by giving oversight to the maintenance of the church facilities.
Harald Ulrich
Harald, born in Köln, trained in cinema and media in Germany and Paris, where he met his wife Graciela. Harald has worked in the media business in Luxembourg for many years as a researcher and film critic. As a deacon he is responsible to see that CCC meets the EU’s standards for GDPR. The Ulriches have two grown children.
Dhimitri Thanasi
Dhimitri was born in Albania, graduated as an Electronic Engineer and came to Christ in 1998. He served in a local Baptist church with the student's ministry, where he met his wife Benarda. He was part of the worship group and served as a deacon at that church for 5 years. In 2018, their family moved to Luxembourg and soon after became members of CCC.
As a deacon, he is responsible for leading Bible Blast group for teens aged 13-20. The Thanasis have two grown children.
Phillip van der Westhuizen
Phillip and Hildamarié were born in South Africa, where they attended the same primary and high school. They married in 1988 and emigrated to Luxembourg in 1991. Phillip has practiced as a chartered accountant for the last 35 years. As deacon he oversees Finance and Statutory matters. Phillip and Hildamarié teach Sunday School for children ages 11 – 15 years, and Hildamarié leads several ministries for ladies, as well as the Activity Club for children aged 6 – 9. They have two married daughters.
Many Others!
Many other committed Christian men and women are involved in ministries at CCC, whether or not they hold office. Without the involvement of all, the church could never function. We seek to promote the involvement of every believer in line with his gifts.